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College of Education Academic Advising

COE Advising Forms

Please select your major to access its related forms. Current academic maps can be found both on the program’s website (click the major title to be redirected) or in the catalog. Getting ready to file your intent to graduate? Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor for a graduation review and to receive your signed upper division form. 

Being a part of the young child’s formative years offers an exciting opportunity in the notable profession of teaching. Future teachers of this impressionable age study the development of the young child within the context of the family; it is the teacher’s aim to balance the needs of individual students with desired learning outcomes for all. At MTSU, you can learn how, as a teacher, you can play a  significant role during the formative years of the citizens of the future.

Upper Division Forms (advising sheets) – Choose the catalog year you are following. 

The Elementary Education program specializes in preparing future educators for teaching learners in kindergarten through 5th grade. Throughout this initial licensure teacher preparation program, students are trained in content knowledge, instructional and assessment strategies, classroom management, and other relevant topics and practices.

Upper Division Forms (advising sheets) – Choose the catalog year you are following. 

The Middle Level Education, 6-8, program specializes in preparing future educators for teaching middle school learners. Students choose a Middle Level Education (MLED) subject focus area from a selection of content areas: English, Math, Social Studies, or Science.

Upper Division Forms (advising sheets) – Choose the catalog year you are following. 

MLED Science
MLED English
MLED Social Studies

At MTSU, you can take the important first steps by choosing to major in Special Education (SPED) in the Department of Elementary and Special Education. The Interventionist (K-8 or 6-12) and Comprehensive (K-12) programs lead to initial teacher licensure. 

Upper Division Forms (advising sheets) – Choose the catalog year you are following. 

SPED Comprehensive (K-12)
SPED Intervenionist (K-8)
SPED Interventionist (6-12)

See your major advisor for UD forms. View this licensure track in the COE catalog description.